Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Paranoid, but no Android.

I always have this feeling that a man is stocking me.

I call him "The Ball Cap Man". He looks to be the age of 53 and lives in my neighborhood.

I always spot him at different locations in the mall, probably just hanging out after dropping his wife off for work.

What are the odds of running into him every time I go downtown?

I sometimes drive by him in the parking lot of the hardware store, probably going in to pick up tools and materials; he always has a new project on the go.

He can always be seen in a purple pick up, I always know its him because he has a cross in the window and Portuguese symbols.

He has a daughter around my age that he also drives around, I’m not sure if she’s in university or college. I wonder if she knows that her daddys a stocker.

Why does he leave his back lights on? He doesn't have anyone stocking HIM.

He has nothing to worry about.

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