Friday, February 9, 2007

Enough Fucking Around.

When the Nintendo Wii was announced a year ago the jokes about how it looks like a sex toy came out of everyone's fat and stupid mouths.

"oh it looks like a penis."

"Girls will be using it as a dildo."

"I hope Nintendo keeps the rumble feature."

Then November hit and Wii sold like a mother fucker. I got mine.

But i wasn't excited about the Wii launch, i was excited about what came after, yeah, the videos. The videos of girls using the wii and i don't mean using it to play zelda. You would think they'd be all over the place, but i can't seem to find them.

Maybe I'm not looking hard enough. Google isn't as helpful as it should be. I keep getting cock blocked by these videos called "Wii Sex", Teaser videos that don't deliver.

and then the Sequel which doesn't even have the Wii in it..

Its all bullshit. You really want me to believe that Nintendo sold over four million and 1 Wii systems because of Wii sports? Give me a break.

Ladies, I'm on my knees here begging, all i ask is that you stick a Wiimote in your vagina, move it in and out, and put a video of it on the Internet.

I didn't want it to come to this, but i drew a picture just in case you can't read or you're just not sure where your vagina is.

I think this picture will make everything clear.

Thank you.

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