They told me all about it.
The deep silence in my ears, it came after a high pinched bitch of a ringing that took over my brain for one hell of a week. The first 3 days are always the worst no matter what you do.
When the ringing was over nothing came after. It felt like I was locked out of half the world.
I didn’t tell anyone, no one had any idea. I looked around to see if someone was trying to talk to me. I got good at reading lips and studying people. I've never been one to yell with headphones on, it seems like some sort of selfish act.
I didn’t seem to mind letting my hearing go as much as I thought I would. I had nothing left to hear.
My eyes also wanted to go. They went fuzzy till I knocked them back into focus like an old TV on its last legs. I didn't mind if they went. I had nothing left to see.
No more men with no more lives, no more talk about no more wives, no more count down till the clock hits five and being asked if I could give them a ride, the miracle of being a deaf, dumb blind kid was on my side.
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