Sunday, February 11, 2007

Elephant or: Lets Bring Our Guns To School.

What's Elephant about?

It’s about hot teens walking.

Its about ugly teens walking.

It’s about funny faces.

It’s about watching Fork Bracelet turn this for like a minute.

I wish I were hip enough to wear a fork bracelet.

It’s about walking around with a note pad till someone asks you why you have a note pad.

"you'll see"

Its about blood jam.

It’s about introducing a black character...

Just to be shot.

It’s about taking a break.

It's about next generation graphics.

It’s about how a storm's a-brewing.

It’s about a gay shower make-out scene with the line "I've never really kissed anyone before."

It’s about taking a picture of the people that are about to shoot the shit out of you.

It’s about ending right when it’s getting good.

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