Thursday, February 15, 2007

The Downfall Of Technology.

I went into *gasp* McDonald’s today because I'm a slave for the shake... and I don't have a cell phone so I needed something else to distract me from driving, gots to stay trendy.

Anyway, the shake was done when I got home, but I was still feeling unsatisfied. "That shake was delicious, but something's missing." I said.

Right when I was going toss the cup away I spotted a tag on the side.

Without reading about the contest or it's prizes I started to think about how awesome my outdoor paintball area is going to be when I win the 1 million and one dollars for peeling and revealing. I started to draw out a paintball map, CTF style, 2 forts, Underground tunnels, Watchtowers for sniping! yeah!

All my dreams will come true just for drinking a shake.

I tore the shit off the cup expecting to see “You’re a winner” in big letters.

Instead I found this message:

Game Piece Code? Online? and don't get me started on whatever the fuck that second paragraph is supposed to mean.

If they wanted me to “sorry try again” then that’s fine, but they should have the balls to just come out and say it.

I looked at the tag for some answers. Maybe it has some balls.

After reading the tag I learned what the fuck was going on, peeling the tag is just the start, next they wanted me to find my computer, turn it on and wait for it to boot up, get the internet going, type in the shitty address, log into the website, type in the code, and then get told that I’m a loser.

Why can't it just be easy to just win or lose something? Anyone who goes thought that bullshit deserves to win at least a hand job.

Remember when you had to get someone with nails to get that shit from under the cap of a bottle of coke to see if you won something? Yeah that was a bitch. Sometimes if I didn’t have anyone or anything to get it out I would just toss it away.

So do you think I’m going to save the codes for later when I get online? Fuck no, Especially not for some crappy hockey experience.

The day will come Paintball map, one day.

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