Monday, February 26, 2007

Ah Random Writes.

I was over at the old grandma's house for dinner the other night. It’s never a dull moment as I'm a sucker for old people’s opinions on things.

"Music is too loud these days! The people get on stage and jump around with fire works and lights! It doesn't matter if they sing! I don't go to watch I go to hear some music! "

Not the most original opinion I've ever heard, but hearing it with 100% seriousness is better then anything on TV at 6:00 on a Sunday night.

Arguing against her is too easy. I find poring gas on the fire makes the entertainment last a little bit longer.

"I don't remember Patti Labelle singing to fire works!"

"Elvis Presley never did no drugs!"

I try to keep score, watching the clock to see how long the rage of the age we live in lasts.

“Wars wouldn’t happen if the men who start them were on the front lines instead of the young kids!”

That one got to me. I stood up from my chair and pointed at her and yelled…

“So you really think that the US should put the irreplaceable president of the United States in the front lines of a war he started? What if something where to happen? Then what? The US would be without a leader! You want that? They would have the move up the ‘08 Election! The American people would have to vote for someone they know nothing about! Witch one should they vote for!”

She looked at me and said “The black guy”

Grandma hates freedom.

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