Tuesday, February 27, 2007

The Origin: The Angry Staple Remover.

Believe it or not, but The Angry Staple Remover wasn't always angry.

Long ago on a busy desk, a little staple remover was still tucked away in his package, dreaming of something more then removing staples.

The little staple remover couldn't wait to see the world and what it had to offer, so he took matters into is own mouth and broke loose.

He didn't mean any harm to anyone as he found food in old newspaper comics. Not that he knew they were comics because he couldn't read, as it turns out there’s more ink in comics, adds flavor .

Yes, life was great of this little staple remover, but he still felt like something was missing in his small life, but he wasn't greedy, eating old newspaper all day was great and he thanked his lucky stars that life was this good. Still he found something more to be thankful for.

His googly eyes spotted something that could only be found in dreams.

This little staple remover wanted to learn all about this thing of beauty, her hopes and dreams, her interests and thoughts, where she came from and where she was going.

As it turned out she was just like him, big dreams and a love for the funnies.

A love was born that could last forever, a love that could save worlds, a love that could grow old and remain beautiful.

This little staple remover still had a lot to learn about this world and pain that fills it.

It had been along day and the staple remover was tired, hunting for funnies all day he came home to find an unholy scene.

The love of his life was home with another staple remover. They be getting all up ins, or whatever staple removers do.

"Why?" he said.

"The lady wanted a real remover, she did the right thing and ditched the zero" The cool

Sunglasses staple remover explained.

The little staple remover felt something he had never felt before, angry. Orange glasses told him that the only way to solve this was a fight to the death.

"So then I can get up ins your lady on top of your dead body! Bhahahahahah"

Orange glasses was an evil dude.

"The first one to fall is the loser, but you should just jump off yourself, you can't fight a guy will glasses, I'm too cool.

They must have been one million and 1 miles high.

The fight wasn't going to end in some sort of tea party I’ll tell you what.

"any last words before i take your life away, just like your slut of a lady." orange glasses asked.

"Your glasses are crooked" the little staple remover said.

"Impossible" orange glasses snapped back, "I pride myself on my cool glasses, they are and never will be crooked till the day I die"

"Well then... today’s the day" the little staple remover tripped orange glasses off the top of the basket and he fell one million and 1 miles down to his death.

"No! Wake up orange glasses! I love you baby. Don’t leave me!"

"You toss that word around a lot, I guess he was right, you are a slut"

"Wait where are you going? Aren’t you going to kill me too? I have nothing more to live for! I beg of you!

The Little staple remover was no more…

He grew into a man that day…

A legend was born and so did a new kind of fear.


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