Sounds like my people. I love talking about things I know nothing about. Maybe get angry at someone for talking shit, toss a fist at them to make them as ugly as me. I wish my knuckles were bleeding.
Instead I never smoked, never once. Saved a lot of money, money that is going to waste.
I wish I could give my heath to someone who will use it, god knows I don't. My legs want to train and get a gold metal; I show them whose boss by sitting on them for 5 hours a day.
I found hope on the side of a cigarette box. A stroke is what I needed; a disability would've been even better. I wanted to know what I had and the only way was to lose it. I smoked a pack a day for a year then quit because everyone I knew got cancer. I was a real hero for quitting, but I developed feelings of jealousy, I blamed cancer.
I wish something else were out for the rest of us to smoke. Something that lasts for 10 minutes before it runs out. It can't be fake, It has to give a real shot of taste to the mouth of whoever's smoking it. One guy told me he had just the thing; he ended up showing me his penis. I told him that it really wasn't what I had in mind. It was an awkward 10 minutes.
No I don't smoke. I don't care about smoking. I don't care if you smoke. I don't care if it’s been 4 months since your last smoke. No I don't smoke. "Just say no" should be changed to "just tell them to fuck off." No I don't smoke. No you can't bum a smoke off me. Get the fuck away from me. The need for a cigarette is making you look like a fucking idiot.
Toxic emissions/ unit: "tar" 12 - 31 mg, Nicotine 1.1 - 2.4 mg,
Carbon monoxide 14 - 28 mg, Formaldehyde 0.049 - 0.12 mg,
Hydrogen cyanide 0.10 - 0.26 mg, Benzene 0.044 - 0.090 mg
None of this means happy and wonderful things.
(Putting smokes in my mouth to take pictures of me with smokes in my mouth gave me asshole mouth the next day.)
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