Thursday, February 22, 2007

GUNPEY DS. (The DS stands for Dumb as Shit)

Today (Feb 22) was "Pick Up A Random Game Day!". It dates back to when I was at the EB today and found a DS game for 9.99, a game that goes by the name of Gunpey DS.

I didn’t know much about it except that it’s a music puzzle game that features a guy with green hair that rocks out with a gun guitar.

I got into a game without knowing how to play, but it didn’t take long to figure out that the small lines that came from the bottom of the screen had to match up with other lines to make an even bigger line that reached from the left side of the screen to the right. You lose when your shit hits the top. Sounds easy, but they want you to come up with combos and it gets faster. (It’s a puzzle game after all)

The first thing you find out is that when you lose it feels more like a screw job then losing fair and square. The computer player will get crazy combos that will switch your shit around and block your view from the lines etc.

It would be great if you could do the same thing, but your busy just working on making a line that goes from one side to the other, never mind making 5 line combo.

Another problem is that you will be getting lines for all the rows but one. See, you can only move the lines up and down and when one row isn’t getting any then what the fuck do they want? So you’re moving all your shit down waiting for this row to get one.

The whole loose touch controls make this game feel like another DS puzzle game that I own, it also brings me on to something very interesting.

Meteos and Lumines are two big hand held puzzle games that came out 3 months a part about 2 years ago. Meteos came out for the DS and Lumines came out for the PSP(i think it was a PSP launch game). Gunpey ripped off the styles of both these games.


Gunpey DS:

(busy weird cartoon style. space theme)


Gunpey for the PSP:
(slick, neat and funky)

Anyway I found a game-breaking trick in Gunpey. I’ll put up a video about it tomorrow.

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