Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Why i can't like Fall Out Boy

The guy to the far right. I don't even know his name.

Fuck him.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

When did this take place?

Must have been out of my head.

(Note: The eyes of evil. Should i worry?)

Get my SSX into the Wii?

I'm a pretty big fan of the SSX games, i didn't get it at first, but then it starts to grow on you and you start to see it in your head.

I've been meaning to get tricky(number 2) for the longest time now and its only about $15, but then i heard that EA was making a new SSX game for the Wii with all new controls and shit.

Pretty big deal, but then i heard on the internet that its all re-using the same courses from "SSX3" and "SSX OnTour".

so i ended up not hyping myself up for a let down, this game just looks like EAs testing the controls. I don't think its going to be as jam packed as SSX3 or as wonderful as SSX tricky.

now the reviews are coming in. Things don't look good.

Its down to a 69%! ouch, i was thinking about just renting it, but now i don't know, think I'm just going to go with Tricky now.


bah lame time.

The Origin: The Angry Staple Remover.

Believe it or not, but The Angry Staple Remover wasn't always angry.

Long ago on a busy desk, a little staple remover was still tucked away in his package, dreaming of something more then removing staples.

The little staple remover couldn't wait to see the world and what it had to offer, so he took matters into is own mouth and broke loose.

He didn't mean any harm to anyone as he found food in old newspaper comics. Not that he knew they were comics because he couldn't read, as it turns out there’s more ink in comics, adds flavor .

Yes, life was great of this little staple remover, but he still felt like something was missing in his small life, but he wasn't greedy, eating old newspaper all day was great and he thanked his lucky stars that life was this good. Still he found something more to be thankful for.

His googly eyes spotted something that could only be found in dreams.

This little staple remover wanted to learn all about this thing of beauty, her hopes and dreams, her interests and thoughts, where she came from and where she was going.

As it turned out she was just like him, big dreams and a love for the funnies.

A love was born that could last forever, a love that could save worlds, a love that could grow old and remain beautiful.

This little staple remover still had a lot to learn about this world and pain that fills it.

It had been along day and the staple remover was tired, hunting for funnies all day he came home to find an unholy scene.

The love of his life was home with another staple remover. They be getting all up ins, or whatever staple removers do.

"Why?" he said.

"The lady wanted a real remover, she did the right thing and ditched the zero" The cool

Sunglasses staple remover explained.

The little staple remover felt something he had never felt before, angry. Orange glasses told him that the only way to solve this was a fight to the death.

"So then I can get up ins your lady on top of your dead body! Bhahahahahah"

Orange glasses was an evil dude.

"The first one to fall is the loser, but you should just jump off yourself, you can't fight a guy will glasses, I'm too cool.

They must have been one million and 1 miles high.

The fight wasn't going to end in some sort of tea party I’ll tell you what.

"any last words before i take your life away, just like your slut of a lady." orange glasses asked.

"Your glasses are crooked" the little staple remover said.

"Impossible" orange glasses snapped back, "I pride myself on my cool glasses, they are and never will be crooked till the day I die"

"Well then... today’s the day" the little staple remover tripped orange glasses off the top of the basket and he fell one million and 1 miles down to his death.

"No! Wake up orange glasses! I love you baby. Don’t leave me!"

"You toss that word around a lot, I guess he was right, you are a slut"

"Wait where are you going? Aren’t you going to kill me too? I have nothing more to live for! I beg of you!

The Little staple remover was no more…

He grew into a man that day…

A legend was born and so did a new kind of fear.


Monday, February 26, 2007

Can't Teach A Dead Person.

Remember to stay in school and learn.

Knowledge is the greatest weapon of all.

Ah Random Writes.

I was over at the old grandma's house for dinner the other night. It’s never a dull moment as I'm a sucker for old people’s opinions on things.

"Music is too loud these days! The people get on stage and jump around with fire works and lights! It doesn't matter if they sing! I don't go to watch I go to hear some music! "

Not the most original opinion I've ever heard, but hearing it with 100% seriousness is better then anything on TV at 6:00 on a Sunday night.

Arguing against her is too easy. I find poring gas on the fire makes the entertainment last a little bit longer.

"I don't remember Patti Labelle singing to fire works!"

"Elvis Presley never did no drugs!"

I try to keep score, watching the clock to see how long the rage of the age we live in lasts.

“Wars wouldn’t happen if the men who start them were on the front lines instead of the young kids!”

That one got to me. I stood up from my chair and pointed at her and yelled…

“So you really think that the US should put the irreplaceable president of the United States in the front lines of a war he started? What if something where to happen? Then what? The US would be without a leader! You want that? They would have the move up the ‘08 Election! The American people would have to vote for someone they know nothing about! Witch one should they vote for!”

She looked at me and said “The black guy”

Grandma hates freedom.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Winter is not and never was wonderful.

I've read of people's opinions in the crappy city newspaper, a lot of them want us to do something about winter going away.

"Take a look outside! No snow! We need snow! Think of the kids! What are we going to tell them? They will never know the wonders of winter! We must do something about it! We must stop our evil ways!"

Its like they think that writing into a newspaper just made a difference.

"Don't blame me! I wrote into the newspaper! I did my part in the fight for winter!"

I know I'm not the only one with a "fuck the kids" attitude. So what if they don't get a winter wonderland, I'm not 7 anymore, snow isn't toboggan rides and cute acceptable public urination anymore.

Working in snow is a bitch, People die from driving on ice, People slip and fall because ice is a cunt, gloves are stupid, big coats are ugly, going somewhere takes a half hour to hype yourself up mentally because its cold outside.

Think about what this "no snow" thing will do for Canada! No more winter wasteland stereotype, people might even come up here and see whats going on and the economy will grow.

I might even want to stay, take away the worst thing about Canada and you got yourself a party.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Lack Of Camera. (Best Excuse)

The lack of updates is because i didn't have a camera to take pictures. Everyone knows you can't update without pictures.

Well now i do, so i guess Im going to get back to updating each day or so.

I'm also fucking around with editing and getting god damn videos on the internet. All these people that upload one million and 1 videos each day make it look so easy.

(Another update later tonight)

Thursday, February 22, 2007

GUNPEY DS. (The DS stands for Dumb as Shit)

Today (Feb 22) was "Pick Up A Random Game Day!". It dates back to when I was at the EB today and found a DS game for 9.99, a game that goes by the name of Gunpey DS.

I didn’t know much about it except that it’s a music puzzle game that features a guy with green hair that rocks out with a gun guitar.

I got into a game without knowing how to play, but it didn’t take long to figure out that the small lines that came from the bottom of the screen had to match up with other lines to make an even bigger line that reached from the left side of the screen to the right. You lose when your shit hits the top. Sounds easy, but they want you to come up with combos and it gets faster. (It’s a puzzle game after all)

The first thing you find out is that when you lose it feels more like a screw job then losing fair and square. The computer player will get crazy combos that will switch your shit around and block your view from the lines etc.

It would be great if you could do the same thing, but your busy just working on making a line that goes from one side to the other, never mind making 5 line combo.

Another problem is that you will be getting lines for all the rows but one. See, you can only move the lines up and down and when one row isn’t getting any then what the fuck do they want? So you’re moving all your shit down waiting for this row to get one.

The whole loose touch controls make this game feel like another DS puzzle game that I own, it also brings me on to something very interesting.

Meteos and Lumines are two big hand held puzzle games that came out 3 months a part about 2 years ago. Meteos came out for the DS and Lumines came out for the PSP(i think it was a PSP launch game). Gunpey ripped off the styles of both these games.


Gunpey DS:

(busy weird cartoon style. space theme)


Gunpey for the PSP:
(slick, neat and funky)

Anyway I found a game-breaking trick in Gunpey. I’ll put up a video about it tomorrow.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

The Big Wide Open Empty - Part 1.

They told me all about it.

The deep silence in my ears, it came after a high pinched bitch of a ringing that took over my brain for one hell of a week. The first 3 days are always the worst no matter what you do.

When the ringing was over nothing came after. It felt like I was locked out of half the world.

I didn’t tell anyone, no one had any idea. I looked around to see if someone was trying to talk to me. I got good at reading lips and studying people. I've never been one to yell with headphones on, it seems like some sort of selfish act.

I didn’t seem to mind letting my hearing go as much as I thought I would. I had nothing left to hear.

My eyes also wanted to go. They went fuzzy till I knocked them back into focus like an old TV on its last legs. I didn't mind if they went. I had nothing left to see.

No more men with no more lives, no more talk about no more wives, no more count down till the clock hits five and being asked if I could give them a ride, the miracle of being a deaf, dumb blind kid was on my side.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Never Got My Smoke In.

I wish I took up smoking back in high school, I always thought I could pull it off. I wish I was one of those "owe you 40 bucks gross backpack ripped teeth bullshit" people standing around trying to get as much asshole taste in till next class.

Sounds like my people. I love talking about things I know nothing about. Maybe get angry at someone for talking shit, toss a fist at them to make them as ugly as me. I wish my knuckles were bleeding.

Instead I never smoked, never once. Saved a lot of money, money that is going to waste.

I wish I could give my heath to someone who will use it, god knows I don't. My legs want to train and get a gold metal; I show them whose boss by sitting on them for 5 hours a day.

I found hope on the side of a cigarette box. A stroke is what I needed; a disability would've been even better. I wanted to know what I had and the only way was to lose it. I smoked a pack a day for a year then quit because everyone I knew got cancer. I was a real hero for quitting, but I developed feelings of jealousy, I blamed cancer.

I wish something else were out for the rest of us to smoke. Something that lasts for 10 minutes before it runs out. It can't be fake, It has to give a real shot of taste to the mouth of whoever's smoking it. One guy told me he had just the thing; he ended up showing me his penis. I told him that it really wasn't what I had in mind. It was an awkward 10 minutes.

No I don't smoke. I don't care about smoking. I don't care if you smoke. I don't care if it’s been 4 months since your last smoke. No I don't smoke. "Just say no" should be changed to "just tell them to fuck off." No I don't smoke. No you can't bum a smoke off me. Get the fuck away from me. The need for a cigarette is making you look like a fucking idiot.

Toxic emissions/ unit: "tar" 12 - 31 mg, Nicotine 1.1 - 2.4 mg,
Carbon monoxide 14 - 28 mg, Formaldehyde 0.049 - 0.12 mg,
Hydrogen cyanide 0.10 - 0.26 mg, Benzene 0.044 - 0.090 mg

None of this means happy and wonderful things.

(Putting smokes in my mouth to take pictures of me with smokes in my mouth gave me asshole mouth the next day.)