Monday, April 30, 2007

We'll Always Make It Through.

I'm going to blame it on the Saturday mind set.

"A Sunday night shift from 11pm till 7am? Why the fuck not?!"

It was a shift i was sure i wasn't going to get till i found out Sunday morning that it was going to be a long day even if i started it at 2:30 in the afternoon.

from 9 till 10:30 i was bored out of my mind and worrying about the shitty night i was about to have, then 10:30 rolled around and i packed a lunch and dove to work.

They set me up on the "hardest job", it wasn't that bad, its just that i had to deal with sticky wrap and i sucked ass at it, word got out and i was moved to more of my speed.

I glued shit down for an hour and a half then the first break came. I took my MP3 but could only play it on break. any music is good music.

back to work only to find that the glue job i was enjoying was filled and i was moved once again.

this time to a job that had be running around to different stations. Its was ok but after 2 hours of it you start to think about walking out of the building before someone even remembers your gone.

Middle break and i wasn't hungry. Drank both of my juice boxxes.

Back to the same old shitty job of running about and placing shit on shit....whatever.

last break. found a $1 hiding in my wallet. Had the Mp3 going and drank Dr pepper and had my sandwich.

I turned around at one point to find i was the only one in the room, i got up and took off my MP3 player, a woman came in and said "your late sunshine, better hurry or your going to get in shit." i came back with a "oh no. oh no. what will i do?"

she said something else but i was already out the door before she was done talking.

7 rolled around and i grabbed my shit and got the fuck out. I guess i left early or something cause no one else was getting in there cars.

came home only to have to drive down to commissioners road cause dad dropped off the truck.

I drove back. Surprisingly we made it home alive.

I got afternoon shifts for Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursdays at the same place.

Now I'm going to have a nice coma.

(I hope i never wake up)

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