Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Start Up The Death Toll.

Now that ice and snow and balls numb below zero shitty winter is finally almost dead we can now look forward to spring and summer and all the joy that comes with it.

Swimming, drinking outside.......yeah.

but is summer really as care free as we think? Is there more to worry about then getting sand in our fucking sandwiches? (damn you fucking beach)

Some people like to believe in this globe warming hoopla and that this summer will be the hottest of all time.

It makes me wonder if these globe warming nuts want people to die from heat this summer. They want a god damn death toll! They want people to fucking burn so more people will join this fad that will just die out when we all die out from this fad. (know what I'm sayin?)

"The more the better!" is what Al Gore would say.

"I want to see burn wards packed. I want to see people being sent away because they have no more vacancies. Let the sun take the skin off every man, woman and child. Let the skin of the innocent get crispy and black."

Sounds like Gore, anything to get people to listen to what he has to say. That guy will say anything.

The point to all this? Sun block, don't be part of the death toll, people will use your death in their own personal gain and thats just wrong, even if it means saving the earth.

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