Tuesday, April 17, 2007

I Don't Want To Die Anymore.

Do we really need a MyDeathSpace.com?

I know the Internet should have everything, but a site that finds dead people's Myspace pages? I know when somethings wrong and this site ain't right.

Its fucking creepy! Just go to one and you'll find pictures of dead people happy, a list of people they want to meet, shows they like to watch, music they love, blogs and people making plans with them for this coming weekend. (I'm sure alot of people find joy in it)


When i popped into this site the song "overkill" by Colin Hay started playing. I know the tune cause it plays at the start of a Scrubs episode so that means she probably liked scrubs too and it fucks me up to think about it.

I found out about this site a few weeks after I made a Myspace page (maybe a year and a half ago) and it just turned me off the whole site. At least in Facebook you can stop people from looking at your shit. (I don't want to show up on this fuck of a site)

kazinkilu (pick any god damn comment from this one)

If I ever know someone that has a Facebook and that person ends up getting killed i would never leave anything on their messages. Thats damn creepy. No fucking "I Love you" "I miss you" "just thinking about you" none of that crap. You look at the dates of the messages and they are all "Can't want for the summer! Cute boys LOL" then the next one will be all "This is all just a bad dream i will never wake up from. I wish i could see you again" I'm pretty sure the internet isn't in heaven so why the fuck would you? I would never go on their site again. I don't need that.

(and what sort of asshole watches CNN or FOX for news updates on this shooting crap? I couldn't take ten minutes of them going over how some guy recorded shit with his cell phone.)

(I wish more people took time out of staying alive to record some shooting action. I'm getting so bored of watching the American army kill Iraqis for fun. The death toll needs a new shade.)

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