Friday, April 27, 2007

Viewed As Nothing More

Got up late. 7:30 late.

"Aw crap" I said as i rushed down the stairs, "I'm really fucked this time"

I called the temp peoples up and told them I'd be running late. They said "oh ok"

I took a quick shower, made some lunch, then got the fuck out.

I drove to the place thinking about the people working without me and how i was going to be all "drrrrrr alarm clock drrrrrr"

I walked in to see no one around, Dr. Phil popped up and was all "we don't work Fridays"

"you leave early Thursdays and you don't work Fridays? How does anything get done?" (he didn't hear me)

I guess i should have known this, I've worked at the place before, but that was months ago and I've worked at a few other places since then (add to me not being very sharp in the memory department) I can play the blame game all day. I've done stupider things then go to work on a day off. I was unlucky that no one said "Have a nice weekend" on Thursday cause then i would have asked them "What about Friday?". I should have asked questions and get some info, but I'm all in my head at work, I break away from the people around me and think about other things other then hanging shit on hooks, i get pretty deep into it.

Oh well. Not sure whats going on today, dad is mad at me for not staying on the ball. I guess he has plans set for Monday because he thought i would be working today but now that I'm not he could have got those plans done today, but too late! (I was born to mess with his plans)

(Not 5 minutes in the place and i smell like shit)

("Wheres the milk!?" "I DON'T KNOW!" "YOU HAD IT LAST!" "THAT WAS 2 HOURS AGO!")

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