Sunday, April 22, 2007

A Mighty Weekend

Good weekend. Shit was done. Change of season depression hit me a few times but i kept busy. (I can't be the only one!)

With the party crashing and the walking for the first time in a year and the movie I've already seen all adds up to a weekend that didn't go wasted, but this blog isn't about details so fuck.

I've been playing Drill Dozer and its getting pretty addicting. I'm take a liking to handheld games over anything on consoles these days. I'll get a Drill Dozer Review up when its done.

Ghost In The Shell makes me wish I could talk without moving my lips.

Its going to be summer of money saving. Thats where the PS2 comes in. Can't go wrong with a $130 system that has one million and 1 cheap games. (Better then a $700 system that has nothing bahahahahaaha) I also have a plan to buy a 360 by the end of the year or whenever RE5 comes out.

I also plan to get all my books I've started and maybe re-read some old ones. Reading outside is pretty nice.

Working out and getting in shape is also in the cards.

Need a new MP3 player.

Need a new belt.

Need to cut old jeans to make new shorts.

So this summer is about making life alot better for myself and keeping myself busy so summer depression doesn't set in as much as last year.

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