Thursday, April 19, 2007

Grand Opportunity Wasted.

Oh that tech killer is all the rage these days with his videos and pictures and mailing them to NBC.

(BAH BAH BAH We all know the sob story)

Good idea if you want to stay in the headlines for a few more days, but it doesn't really add any more development to the massacre.

Instead of giving his best Napoleon Dynamite impression (or my natural voice) he could of spiced that shit up. Maybe get cocky and put on some sun glasses on, light up a smoke and ask everyone how it went.

This is a video the world is going to see and when they do your going to be dead! Why waste something like that? Give a few shout outs, tell everyone that it's still not save to go outside, piss everyone off one last time. The whole "I'm evil and crazy and also the dark lord that will make blood rain down on woman and children" thing has been done to death and didn't surprise anyone.

This is an event people are going to remember. Hype it up and get people talking, I'm not talking about hanging posters on the wall that say "Everyone Come To My Massacre! April 16! Its going to be a blast!" I'm talking more along the lines of "viral marketing".

Leave video and audio Discs laying around for people to find. Make sure it gives them hints on whats to come. Get creative with it, change your voice around, make it real spooky and always remember to use numbers at the end that hint the date, but don't just give it away! We want to make this a mystery.

Now i have to give it to him... he mailed it in between shootings? Did he plan that? Was the real plan just to mail the shit and then start shooting? did he some how forget to mail it and then was all "Aw shit thats right. The package! " that part is just odd to me. Too much of a risk.

Anyway back to the video people will see after your dead. Now this one should be something great. keep a "making history" state of mind when making this one. Do something no one will see coming.

I said be cocky with sunglasses and a smoke before and its a good one (make a joke about smoking... "These things will kill ya")

Start it with "well if it isn't the bad guy back from the dead" I recommend you have a few drinks first to loosen up a bit. (but not too much, we don't want people thinking your an alcoholic or something)

Talk for as long as you want, maybe about the shootings and how many people you thought you would kill. maybe a list of people you wanted to kill. Everything everyone doesn't want to hear.

Maybe talk about yourself and the people you knew. Maybe tell everyone what made you do it so we can ban the right thing.

Always leave them wanting more. Tell that there's a second person on the loose that will do the same thing very soon, just for shits, list some people that ain't safe and that they are a target. (Just some random people from school you've never seen before)

well at least that's what I would do if I were to go out and kill a few people then myself. So if this sort of thing starts then it might be me. If not then some asshole is copying my idea and before i find out who than that asshole will be dead. Asshole.

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