Sunday, April 1, 2007

The Call Out: Award Shows.

Award shows? Give me a break.

Don't get me started on award shows, its fine if your up for an award, but other then that why would you want to waste your time?

and the winner is...... who the fuck cares who wins? Are the people watching at home sitting at the edge of their seat for the answer? Do they stay up late at night angry if their favorite singer doesn't win the new artist of the year award? what sort of award is that? new artist. bah.

I only bring up award shows because they just had the Junos on. The Junos? No one gives a shit about the Junos, the only reason i know about it is that every radio DJ in Canada has to talk about it, i wonder if it's their job to watch it? Not even the Canadian artist care about winning a Juno.

"I heard you won a Juno Award!"

"I'd rather not talk about it, its a sensitive subject."

The word "Juno" sounds like it's an award show made by Nazi's for Nazis.

The best part of working at night is that you avoid these ass kissing shows and ass kissing events would out even trying. I miss those days. Happy times.

Kill a celebrity for me.

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