Thursday, April 5, 2007

A Day Of Riding Shot Gun And Not Alot Of Fun

Woke up at 5 and got ready. Didn't pack a lunch.(no time) I got out in the snow at ten to six only to find that my keys are shit and never want to unlock the door when i really need them to. After 2 minutes of yelling "shit fuck mother fucking cold bitch fucking shit" I finally got the door unlocked and drove off.

Got to the job at six to find some guy smoking. He told me to move my car so i did. He went inside and went into is office, he had birds, tons of birds, big birds, little birds, birds as big as your head. He was also not the person i was looking for.

The people i wanted showed up late. two males and one female. I met John.(Hey! I remember his name!) He was with the same temp agency as me.(so what?) He was older and wouldn't shut up.

We loaded some paper onto two trucks then John and the older woman took off.(never got her name)

I was with Tom.(another name!) He was saying numbers to himself as he did paper work. I stood around wondering what was going on. "well lets go!" he said. I got myself in the truck as he did this that and the other thing to get it going. I sat and watched.

We got on the road at seven and drove around the city. We dropped paper off at a public school and then picked up printers at office buildings downtown.(so they deal with paper and printers, good to know)

"well one more stop then its off to Windsor"

"Ok... wait what? Windsor? I've been to Windsor! That shits far! No one said anything about driving to Windsor!"

"I go to Windsor a few times a week. its nothing."

so we drove to Windsor, well he did, i passed out a few times on the way. We stopped at a few buildings, but no one was around. Less work i guess. Its not like i did anything anyway. I sort of watched him do all the work and maybe acted like i was helping.

A few stops later and we found our selfs at some tech office "Boy everything looks very nice and expensive in here" Not really sure what they did. Websites maybe? All I know for sure is that the break room had it's own name and theme. Area 51! Sci-fi posters on the walls, Foosball table, Pool table, Xbox. Tech people got the life.

We had to get this huge fucking printer upstairs and we used the stair climber 3000. It was still a bitch. (I was hoping it was a robot that would be all "Leave it to me humans") anyway after that we headed back to London. An hour and a half of naps naps naps.

They gave me a shirt to wear for the day. I wore a sweater over it and i also had my cool looking beat up hobo shit green jacket on.

That was about it. 11 and a half hours of driving around. I wish i could do it again next week, but I'm getting the teeth pulled. Lame.

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