Thursday, May 3, 2007

Yet Another Job To Fill.

Got up at around noon and checked the messages to find out that a job was open for me.

Got to the job around 2 and checked in. I've worked at this place before and i know how it works.

Its a clean place, but they never seem to be on the ball. I got moved around from job to job because they kept running out of work for me to do.

I was placed on putting white dots on black metal parts. These black metal parts were hanging on racks and the racks were all lined up in rows.

so the job was me fighting with these racks as i hold a clipboard, a pen and a marker.

I didn't really understand the job. They wanted me to check and see if these holes have been cut out of the metal, but after doing 5 racks and finding no rejects then i just stopped checking and just marked them off.

The best part was taking six long breaks in the nine hours i was working. The guy who showed me what to do seemed to busy and had other things on this mind, so he just sort of left me alone so i would wonder off, get some chips and watch TV whenever i was feeling bored.

Not much work was done in the nine hours and i felt pretty bad when i left knowing that some of those metal things were probably fucked. They told me it was for one day so they should have known about my half ass.

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