Monday, March 12, 2007

YouTube Battles (Lack Of A Better Name)

I would Video Blog a rant but once the camera hits me i lock up even if I'm all alone in my room, it feels like one million and 1 people are watching me.

I'm going to keep at it and get better, but talk about deer in the headlights.

I would love to just record random shit when I'm bored and post it, but uploading a video to YouTube takes a half an hour! I don't get it. The video doesn't even look that great.

So whatever, my idea for YouTube goes like this:

say I'm on YouTube and I'm watching someone playing the guitar or dancing or making a joke or a skit or even someone's shitty anime music video and i think to myself "I can do way better then this asshole"

but then how the hell do a prove it? well that were my idea comes in.

I would just go to his user page and then hit a button that challenges that user to a video battle, i set the deadline and if the challenge is accepted then its on.

once the other user and myself submit our videos it gets put into the "battle page" and then people on YouTube watch both of them and vote for the video they think is better.

(because the teens these days love voting for shit)

once the poll is closed the winner will be revealed and the data will be shown on the users pages.

I'm not going to go into great detail about the details, but i assure you this could work and if YouTube doesn't use it then I'm going to just make my own site. (Because making a site like that is just that damn easy)

or maybe a site like my idea is already up, if so I've never heard about it. bah.

I leave you with a Mentos joke video. such a 90s idea.

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