Monday, March 5, 2007

My New "Idea Show 2007" For Television.

Right now I'm writing 25 episodes, each of them 22 minutes long.

I don't have any ideas for settings, story or characters yet, but none of that is important.

What makes this show a winner is the idea behind it.

25 episodes full of twists and turns, good turns evil and evil turns good.

The best part is that each episode is shown out of order, so say it starts with episode 5 and this girl is running from zombies, why zombies? Your just going to wait for episode 4 to find out, but before that episode 10, 22, 1, 7 and 25 will be shown, each one stranger then the next.

People will be locked to the channel waiting for the next episode to start. They have to keep it locked because the channel isn't going to tell you when the next new episode will be shown. They might show it next month or they might show 2 new episodes back to back, its all done to keep the people locked and guessing!

Everyone will be watching Lost, and then a half hour into it "BAM!" an episode of my show starts up! The next day people will be talking about it at work.

"Shit fuck I didn't get to see the last part of Lost because some action packed kick ass show just sort of started right when Locke and Jack where about to break out of the Others evil ship!"

"Yeah that pissed me off too, wonder when the next episode will play?"

"That’s the thing, they don't tell you! They just play them randomly so you never know."

"Then I'm going to keep it locked to that channel"

"We'll all keep it locked."

To get this new groundbreaking show off the ground and into your living room I’m going to be writing day and night to make the most mind blowing show ever made! I’m going to make sure each episode has a twist and that it doesn't matter what order you watch it in its going to leave you wanting more.

So I want to know if any channel out in Television land has the balls for this new type of media?

Nah, I'm sure all those fat cat TV channels will keep it safe with shows that don't go anywhere, ones that start high but end low, that sort of thing.

Going to stay in bounds of “hour shows start at the top of the hour” and “the best shows are in prime time” rules that some No-Mad came up with. When will people learn to break away?

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