Wednesday, March 7, 2007

The Big Wide Open Empty - Part 2.

She said to never let them take it away from me.

I was afraid that I would never learn what she meant.

I want the moon to be heaven and the sun to be hell, its what I’ve always wanted to believe and i did for as long as i could.

“Make sure you don’t shoot passed it”

Its easy this way, a sure thing.

I want to look up at the sky at anytime and just know.

They won't let me keep it, they took it away from me and told me I was wrong.

“We’ve been up to that moon, it was years ago, no sigh of what you call God”

Truth isn't what i had in mind, not anymore, I don't want to learn anything.

Angels aren't born on the moon like they should.

Hell isn’t burning me like it could.

I'm not on the earth I knew.

I wanted to be born on the moon.

That's the life for me how bout you...

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