Wednesday, March 26, 2008

What's "Southland Tales" About?

It's about America going overboard on the whole independence day thing. (A jumping jamboree? Really?)

It's about explaining the back story with story boards.

It's about midgets for no reason. (I was waiting for at least one reason)

It's about fingers (gotta keep 'em on ice)

It's about those really cool guns that can look around corners and shoot people, you know the ones, those are awesome.

It's about having midgets on your SWAT team.

No explanation needed. (I missed the SWAT midget the first time around)

It's about questioning what death is worse, getting killed on a normal toilet.....

or getting killed on an over sized gag one.

It's about more toilets apparently. (Take a good look at some of them)

It's about two SUV's.....ugh..."refueling".

It's about Cockchuggin' (The Rock's "May I... see the cockchuggers?" is the best line in the movie)

It's about Kevin Smith playing an old man who sounds and talks just like a 37 year old Kevin Smith.

It's about needing a hand (get it... cause... yeah)

It's about a guy who shows up more then half way into the film and we're expected to care.

It's about Justin Timberlake lip syncing The Killer's song "All these things I've done" as girls show up and dance for him. (No, It really has nothing to do with anything.)

It's about Bud Light? Nasty... and he's all Cockchuggin' it and everything. Gross.

It's about this bitch. She has the most screen time and she's always smoking with her stupid hair and looking all gross.

Yeah, toss that bitch.

It's about going off some sweet jumps.

It's about an interpretive dance off at the end of the movie for the heart of one of the second Jesususus. Just trust me on this one.

It's about what getting shot in the eye will do to you.

It's about the suicidal do-rag wearing white gangster with a rocket launcher standing on the side of an ice cream truck that's flying over LA.

It's about being reminded about that scene from the first Indiana Jones where the Ark of the Covenant starts to burn the swastika, I don't know, maybe Jesus just didn't like The Rock's shirt?

It's about pretty much everyone getting killed.

And then the movie ends with the white gangster jumping off the ice cream truck and two Stiflers shaking hands and ending the world.

Southland Tales is done by the same guy who did Donnie Darko (Richard Kelly) and if you've seen DD then you know the pros and cons of how Kelly tells a story (or maybe you don't)

Southland Tales wants to be watched again and again and I like watching a movie again and again, but it has to be good, is Southland Tales a good movie? well, after watching it twice I can say that it doesn't suck, its not shitty, I can dig it. I can't recommend it to anyone, but some people might enjoy it as well.

It's really just a dark odd ball comedy, It has its cheese, but its pretty well aware.

The movie uses issues like war, gun control, natural resource, celebrity and election as a backdrop for the story. (It's more like the issues are crammed into 2+ hours) The story doesn't hold anyone's hand and feels like it doesn't want you to know about it, I'm fine with that, but they could've done more when it came to the back story instead of pictures that look nothing like the characters in the movie. (Its just confusing)

I still don't understand the whole thing and interviews with the actors show that they don't ether. I was going to make a post on what I think the movie is about using pictures, but fuck it.

The sound track was pretty good.

I would spell check this, but I'm too busy.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

You Should Be Reading Scott Pilgrim.

If not for me... Then for the future.

Cause its looking like a Scott Pilgrim movie is in the works and its staring that nervous guy from Superbad, Arrested Development and Juno.

Yes, thats right, Michael Cera, apparently all the ladies see him as some sort of sexy super nerd or something.

Not my type and in my opinion, not someone I see playing Scott Pilgrim.

Michael Cera is an actor, but the only role he ever seems to play is the sweetly awkward guy, so much so that I'm starting to think that is Michael Cera all the time.

I really think that Scott Pilgrim is a lot more out going then Michael Cera can act like, but I hope he proves me wrong.

Well its time to get super lazy and post someone else's work. (so just like all my posts)

(It's the comic that was made for 2006's Free Comic Day)

See more Scott Pilgrim by going to his website

Thursday, February 7, 2008

What's "I Am legend" About?

It's about bad Computer-Generated(CG) lions looking at you as if to say "too late human! You lose!"

It's about a movie you would rather be watching.

It's about showing off how fit Will Smith is....we are all proud of him.

It's about using CG rats when you should've just poked a real rat till it got all super crazy zombie vampire.

It's about working on the golf swing when you should be working on the marksmanship.

It's about not wanting the dog, but taking the dog anyway.

It's about being taken out of the movie by the awful looking CG monsters (Oh no. So scary. Look out.)

It's about using awful CGI instead of a real live person. (or maybe they are and it's just bad CGI make up! hmmmmm)

It's about how frank moved...

SEE! I'm not crazy!

It's about giving Frank the pointing of a life time.

It's about how you worked on the golf swing when you should've been working on the marksmanship.

It's about forgetting the whole gravity issue.

It's about fake looking zombie dogs from Resident Evil.

It's about caring more about a dog then any human character in a movie ever.

It's about not being able to figure out if the dog is just good at acting or she's just CG in this shot. (My money is on the acting)

It's about taking care of yo teef kids.

It's abou- OH SHIIIIIIIIIT!!!!!

It's about breaking your best friend's neck.

It's about being thankful they didn't have a scene where he fucks the mannequin.

It's about missing the shot of his family the first time.

It's about waking up to find a bunch of white foke in your house.

It's about how he was saving that fucking bacon for later!

It's about Will Smith showing us that he can also be funny (Who knew?)

It's about the main super zombie guy looking at you as if to say "I'm going to break this glass ha ha faggot"

It's about two endings, the one they used and the one they didn't. Each one changes what the movie is about and I think everyone will have different opinions on which one is better.


Will Smith and Abbey the dog make this movie worth watching. I always enjoy the "last man alive" idea and seeing New York without people is always nice. The thing that really brings the movie down is the terrible looking CG monsters, dogs, rats etc. The whole basement scene looks like Will Smith is in a video game and you start to lose interest in the movie every time any of these CG things pop up.

(Hey! This movie comes out on DVD today, how odd)