yes sir, Michael Moore's new movie about how evil and bad American health care is will be coming out June 29, but i got to see it first, oh boy, oh joy.
I really didn't want to see it that badly and I'm sure alot of other people that hung out by the "red carpet" just to see Michael Moore would crap some nice pants to watch the same movie at the same time as Moore, but fuck those people.
We drove to the shit about an hour early so we could line up and wait for a half hour (OMG I LOVE WAITING) We stood around next to people that got all dressed up, it made us look out of place till this couple showed up sporting FOOTBALL TEAMS! (It was like they just got out of bed) The other people beside us were in the movie or something, not sure when, maybe he was the guy in the Joe Kools. (sad that I have no idea)
They came by and asked us if we had any cameras or cell phones, then they let the first line in, then our line, they had the metal detector beepy things out and scanned us (they didn't beep, they made a sqweez toy noise) The older lady got her camera taken away (This sort of shit should always be at the theater.)
We pushed pasted the slow moving group and spotted some good seats at the top so we made a break for it. The time was 6:30 so we had a half hour to sit around till the shit started.
we watched as people walked in to see all the good seats taken. We also watched as people saved seats for people that showed up one minute before the movie started.
All the important people showed up late and took the seats that were reserved for them and then we all sat around waiting for Moore. He busted in and ranted on for god knows how long, then the lights went down low and the movie started at 7:30.
He then got up and was all "oh this isn't the starting"
Then we waited for a bit and the woman beside me said "I hope we don't have to move to a different theater" I turned to her and said "screw that, I'd leave."
The movie started and we all watched. Everyone clapped when people they knew showed up on the screen and everyone went bat shit crazy when the words "London" showed up. (OMG THATS WHERE I LIVE! WE ARE AT THE PLACE ON SCREEN RIGHT NOW! HOLY FUCKING SHIT!)
It ended and everyone clapped (I did.. I mean.. The guy was in the room and it was a pretty clappy ending)
It was still dark and the credits were still rolling, "if we want to go we gots to do it now" i said, we got up and walked out before the Q@A started. (I walked right pasted Moore when I was leaving. I could have punched him in the face if I wanted to but i kept walking because I'm better then that)
The movie? You want to know about the movie? uh, lets see, well it was better then Fahrenheit 9/11, it was shorter then his last few films, it left out some details when talking about other countries (it made other countries look like utopias) and he said that he was missing some shit about Canada "you might be watching the Canada parts of the movie and think "well wait thats wrong" and your right, so you should get out and fix these problems" HUH?) The man knows what it takes to make an entertaining movie, it takes parts that make you cry, laugh and care, but I wouldn't take it as anymore then entertainment.